To Use This Site

Welcome to Johnnys Jukebox on Blogspot

This site was created on October 5th 2011 primarily to host all of the music listings
used by our main site which is located on Facebook know by the same name
"Johnnys Jukebox"

To navigate this site and its music lists use the category tabs at the top of the
site pages.Each tab contains clickable links to pre-posted lists corresponding
with that tab.

For best results regarding song request's and dedications on our Facebook page
simply locate your desired song among the many lists found here on our Blogspot site,
copy the title, then simply paste the title into a new posting or comment on our Facebook wall.

Our Facebook page is open to the public and all are welcome to join us by "Liking"
our can find our Facebook page at the link below:

Enjoy our site here on